140 Years of Brass: Waratah's Musical Legacy Strikes a Chord

Waratah Brass Newcastle is the premier brass band in the Hunter region, celebrating 140 years of making music in our community. The organisation has been operating continuously since 1884, making Waratah Brass one of the oldest volunteer musical groups in the country. The organisation currently presents two band groups - Waratah Brass and Waratah Brass Academy Band – both of which compete at national, state, and local levels and present an annual concert series together. To mark this incredible milestone, Waratah Brass is hosting a celebratory concert at Christ Church Cathedral on Sunday, 20 October, from 1:30pm. The programme will feature music for all tastes and showcase the soloists' incredible talent. All past members, families, and friends are invited to come along to the Cricketers Arms Hotel in Cooks Hill after the concert (from 5:30pm) to share stories and toast to a shared history and future.