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Smart Training with Maroba

Smart Training and Consulting Group (RTO ID 91785)

Maroba is an award-winning aged care provider, offering residential care, retirement living and community services. The Maroba team, led by CEO, Viv Allanson is truly dedicated to providing service excellence within the aged care industry, and it is their commitment to the sector that was the driving force behind Maroba’s recent decision to acquire Registered Training Organisation (RTO) Smart Training and Consulting Group.

As a subsidiary of Maroba, Smart Training and Consulting Group will be well positioned to become the preferred provider of aged care training across the Hunter.

“The standard of care provided at Maroba will serve as a benchmark for the quality of educational programs delivered,” said Viv.

RTO Operations Manager, Kylie Williams heads up the Smart Training and Consultancy Group. Her overall goal is to enrich the lives of as many people as possible, via high-quality education and training. Alongside Kylie is Compliance Officer, Jennifer Campbell.

With a combined experience of over 25 years in the industry and a true passion for adult education, this dynamic duo has the commitment and the expertise to bring Maroba’s vision to life.

Further complimenting the RTO team is the Director of RTO and Clinical Excellence for Maroba, Angela Carey. Angela brings over 20 years’ experience in the aged care industry and strong connections with local businesses. Angela is well versed in how to produce a quality product.


“I feel we can well meet the needs of the aged care industry because we are the industry. Our local connections also allow us to diversify and provide a training product that will meet the demands of local businesses in the broader community,” said Angela.


“In addition to aged care programs, we will also offer Leadership and Management, Allied Health, Hospitality, Business, Literacy and Numeracy courses. Our program delivery will primarily be via face to face combined with handson learning.

“Technological advances make a number of delivery models possible in modern society. While we certainly embrace modern technology to provide flexible and innovative options to our learners, we will combine this with a “back to basics” approach to optimise successful learning outcomes for our students. We want our graduates to complete their qualifications and feel competent and confident in their chosen vocation,” added Kylie.

“Our programs will target students still at school, those new to the workforce and people already working, who wish to progress their career via a vocational training program. Qualifications range from Certificate 1 to Diploma level. We are here to meet the needs of the industry and to provide a supportive educational journey for our learners.”

Smart Training and Consultancy Group and Maroba will be holding Open Day Events on August 30 and 31. Day one (August 30) will have a focus on ‘Senior Lifestyle Solutions’ which includes residential care, retirement living, community services with exhibition stands, while day two (August 31) will focus on ‘Career Opportunities & Development’ with Smart Training and Consulting Group pathways, Maroba career opportunities and learning institutes links.

“We will be capturing everything both businesses have to offer,” said Viv.

“Come and experience for yourself our businesses which create meaningful experiences day after day.”

For more information, please call Maroba on 4935 0300 or Smart Training and Consultancy Group on 0411 434 456.

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