Maitland Wins Hosting Rights to Netball State Titles

Thousands of netballers from across New South Wales will converge on Maitland Park next June after the city won hosting rights for the 2023 Netball NSW Senior State Titles.
From Saturday 10 June to Monday 12 June, Maitland will host hundreds of matches across the Opens Division 1, and U17 and U15 Divisions 1 & 2. Newcastle will play host to remaining divisions.
It’s the first time since 2016 that Maitland has hosted the event.
Netball in Maitland has recently undergone a big transformation, thanks to a rejuvenation of the precinct jointly funded by the NSW Government, Maitland City Council, and Maitland Netball Association.
Worth around $3 million in total, the works saw the construction of a brand new amenities facility and the resurfacing and floodlighting of the facility’s 32 netball courts, which has revitalised the precinct.
Mayor of Maitland, Philip Penfold, said attracting events of this calibre is indicative of how Maitland is now able to attract significant events to the region.
‘Netball has one of the highest participation rates of any sport in Maitland, and to attract some of the state’s best to our city for a weekend is exciting for so many people across the district,’ Mayor Penfold said.
‘Council, in partnership with Maitland Netball Association and the NSW Government, have dedicated a lot of time and money to improve the quality of these facilities, and it’ll be fantastic to have the chance to showcase that hard work to the people of New South Wales.
‘Bringing this tournament to town shows our desire as a city to bid for and attract significant national and regional events to Maitland, and I know that many of our local businesses will be looking forward to the traffic over a holiday weekend.’
Tim Fava, Executive General Manager of Community & Pathways at Netball NSW, said he was looking forward to a wonderful weekend for participants and supporters alike.
‘Maitland Netball Association (MNA), who last year celebrated their 75th anniversary, have been stalwarts of our game in regional NSW for decades and it is fitting that they’ve been awarded hosting rights alongside Newcastle,’ Fava said.
“MNA, working closely with the Maitland City Council and the NSW Government, were instrument in securing $1million in funding for the Maitland Park Netball Courts, so participants can look forward to top class facilities when they arrive from all over the state.
‘It is very important that we, as an organisation, make the continued effort to bring events like our State Titles to regional areas as often as we can. No other sport in Australia has a nationwide footprint like netball, which is prominent in every community, big and small.
‘That we are able to return to the Hunter next year shows the benefits of local Councils and State Governments investing in local sports facilities.
‘On top of this, Maitland and the wider Hunter Region is one of the most beautiful parts of Australia and I encourage everyone attending the Senior State Titles to make the most of their trip and experience everything it has to offer.’