Holistic Dental Care

I believe and hope that holistic dental care has progressed from the time when “holistic dental practices” used to burn incense and test hair for heavy metals!
I understand the concern about toxicity associated with silver amalgam fillings: this is an area in which I’ve been a leader – I’ve been amalgam-free since 1992. If you wish to have your amalgam fillings removed ‘safely’, we offer removal under rubber dam and replacement with our innovative style of composite resin dentistry.
More fundamentally, Belledental has developed a simple, overarching philosophy around “holistic.” We believe that the less interventionist a treatment is, the more holistic it is.
The ultimate in holistic? That’s where you’re provided with advice and recommendations, and you resolve your health problems. Sure, this is not always possible, but the fundamental tenants of minimal intervention remain true: The less we cut your teeth… the more education we provide… the more independent you are of need for dental care (dental stability)… the more holistic your care is.
This truth is borne out in many of Belledental’s approaches:
Fillings and Restorative Work: Belledental has developed the Belledental CRC (Composite Resin Crown) to not only reduce the cost of crowns but also to reduce the amount of tooth loss and provide long-term durability and maintainability;
Gum Disease Treatments: Dr Chia YEH has, through her involvement in gum disease research, developed Belledental’s innovative PerioSan technique. This gum disease treatment is minimally invasive, non-surgical and addresses the fundamental infection/ micro-organisms associated with gum disease. It’s also biased towards education so that you can develop your own control of the disease process with minimal support from us;
Bridges to replace teeth: Belledental has innovated around the use of both minimally invasive bonded dental bridges to replace missing teeth as well as reducing the number of teeth needing to be cut for crowns by using innovative engineering around cantilever bridges; and
Diet: For patients suffering uncontrolled decay, we provide written, comprehensive dietary advice and additional support using tooth re-mineralizing agents that improve tooth structure and can assist in arresting decay.