Nominate now for a Lake Mac Award

It’s time to give the City’s sporting greats, accomplished artists, environmental warriors, and volunteers recognition for their achievements and making a positive difference to our community, by nominating them for a 2021 Lake Macquarie City Award.
Lake Macquarie Mayor Cr Kay Fraser said the awards celebrate the people and groups that show that our City is made up of a creative, active and inclusive community.
“A Lake Mac Award is the highest honour we can give to people who live in Lake Macquarie City,” Cr Fraser said.
“There are thousands of people in our City who inspire us through their achievements and contribution to life in Lake Mac.”
“It’s important to give these people recognition because they challenge us to think about how we can excel in our endeavours or make our own contribution to creating a better and more caring society.”
This year, there are 11 award categories that recognise the community’s core strengths across sports, the arts, volunteering, community contribution and environmental enhancement.
Nominations are now open in the following categories:
Lake Mac Rising Sports Star – for outstanding performance in junior sports
Lake Mac Sports Star – for outstanding performance in sports
Lake Mac All Abilities Sports Star – for outstanding performance in sports for people with a disability
Lake Mac Sports Leader – for outstanding contribution to sporting life in Lake Macquarie City
Lake Mac Volunteer of the Year – for outstanding community contribution
Lake Mac Community Group of the Year – for outstanding community contribution ARTS AND
Lake Mac Artist and Creator – for demonstrating excellence in the field of arts and creative production
Lake Mac Arts Leader – for outstanding contribution to the arts (group or individual)
Lake Mac Environmental Leader – for outstanding Contribution to the Lake Macquarie environment (group or individual)
Lake Mac Young Citizen – outstanding demonstration of leadership, skills, and community contribution
Lake Mac Ambassador – for outstanding contribution to the Lake Mac community
Nomination forms are available online at and close Friday 11 December 2020.
Nominees and the community will be invited to a special COVID safe event where the winners will be announced on Saturday 13 March 2021.