Fresh look at Lake Mac sports strategy before it crosses the finish line

Lake Macquarie sporting facilities, community participation and future demand will be put through their paces with the development of Council’s Sports Strategy 2020-2030.
The strategy will look to plan for and enhance the sporting experience of Lake Macquarie City residents and visitors, while ensuring we have the infrastructure to accommodate our active lifestyle.
Lake Macquarie Mayor Cr Kay Fraser said I’m thrilled to see this review because I know how important sport, our sporting culture and our sporting facilities are to our community.
“Our community is incredibly active. We love our sport and getting outdoors in our beautiful natural environment is part and parcel why we all love living in Lake Mac,” said Cr Fraser.
“We have some amazing facilities already around our city, like Pasterfield Sports Complex, Hunter Sports Centre, Lake Macquarie Football Facility and the Newcastle Basketball Indoor Centre in the pipeline. It’s timely we review all of our 117 sporting facilities and capture what our community would like to see over the next 10 years.”
Council’s Manager Assets Management Brendan Callander is encouraging our sporting community to participate in the consultation over the coming weeks.
“This is a chance to take a fresh look at what sporting facilities we have and the current demand. That way we can come up with a plan that meets our community’s needs and caters for our active and healthy lifestyles well into the future.”
“We want to hear from representatives of regional sporting associations, players and clubs who use our facilities, and the wider community. It’s important that we ensure our future demands for sports infrastructure are clearly understood and planned for,” Mr Callander said.
To get involved in this first stage of the consultation and provide your input on Council’s Sports Strategy 2020-2030 visit by 28 September 2020.