Stabilisation works to start at Speers Point

Nightworks to replace a series of retaining walls along a section of the popular Watagan Track between, Ryan Street, Speers Point, and Fairfax Road, Warners Bay, will start on Sunday 23 August.
Council’s Manager Asset Management Brendan Callander said the works follow on from emergency repair works completed last year.
“Late last year, we completed emergency repair works to the retaining walls along this section of the track to give us more time to plan the replacement of these retaining walls,” Mr Callander said.
“Council is committed to providing our community with the best infrastructure to enjoy the outdoors. These maintenance works will allow us to maintain a safe and viable walking track.
“The shared pathway between Speers Point and Warners Bay is popular with our community with many people walking or cycling the pathway to get their daily dose of exercise while taking in the beautiful lakeside views."
To minimise impacts on the community, construction works will be undertaken at night, and the shared pathway between Fairfax Road, Warners Bay, and Ryan Street, Speers Point, will be closed to pedestrians and cyclists between 6pm and 5am.