Are you looking for a Fun, Fast & Effective way to work out?

If you want to strengthen, tone up, gain energy and lose weight, then Curves is your answer with their unique 30-minute fitness circuit designed especially for women.
Each Curves club provides members with a non-judgemental and welcoming environment in which women of all shapes, sizes, ages, and abilities can work out and reach their health goals without feeling self-conscious in front of others.
Plus with a Curves Coach at every circuit to teach and motivate, members never feel alone as they progress through their journey. In fact, women who have never thought of joining a gym amaze themselves at Curves with many being surprised that getting fit and healthy can also be so much fun.
If your NY resolution was to lose weight, then Curves Complete is an excellent program with exercises designed to boost your metabolism, a diet that starves fat and feeds muscle and encouragement and support to stay on track.
Curves Complete can help you achieve your goals through:
Fitness - the Curves 30 minute circuit gives you strength and cardio training;
Personalised Meal Plan – meal plans with recipes and ideas to suit your lifestyle;
Coaching - one-on-one with your own Curves Coach to keep you on track and
motivated; with your own Curves Coach, success is within reach.
Curves help thousands of women all over Australia achieve their health and fitness goals every day. What are you waiting for? Discover more about Curves with a complimentary, no obligation 7-day FREE trial. Join the circuit and give your local club a call today! For more information visit