What's Coming Up in June

Michael Bublé at Newcastle Entertainment Centre
The sensational entertainer, Michael Bublé, makes his return to Australia this month with a stop in Newcastle! Performing songs from his latest album alongside a selection of original smash hits, it’s a show for all Bublé lovers. For more info or to book tickets, visit www.premier.ticketek.com.au
Stars of Newcastle at Civic Theatre Newcastle
The Cancer Council is back with a new group of local personalities ready to show off their dancing talent for cancer! Each star will light up the dance floor to raise funds for the Cancer Council and future research and initiatives. The stars are leaders in the business and local community who learn to dance over the course of ten weeks with the help of talented teachers before taking to the stage. The night will be filled with fun, dancing, food, and entertainment, all in the name of working towards a cancer-free future. Get your tickets for an unforgettable evening to support a great cause! For more information or to book tickets, visit www.stars.cancercouncil.com.au
Daniel Hidden at Civic Theatre Playhouse
Daniel Hidden presents his new show, Seeing is beLIEving, to give audiences the opportunity to see how he is taking magic to the next level! Creating his own routines of deception, you’ll get a glimpse into tricking the mind in this interactive show. For more information or to book tickets for Friday 2 or Saturday 3 June, visit www.civictheatrenewcastle.com.au
Maitland River Run at Maitland Athletics Centre
Offering a picturesque 4km course starting and finishing at the new Maitland Regional Athletics Centre, The Maitland River Run will be an exciting and engaging experience. With the option to do 1, 2, or 3 laps, running or walking, it’s an event for everyone to get involved in! For more information or to register, visit www.mymaitland.com.au
Australian Romantic & Classical Orchestra at Adamstown Uniting Church
The Australian Romantic & Classical Orchestra is celebrating ten years of memorable concerts and education programs. Their 2023 concert season includes New Perspectives arriving in Newcastle for one night only this month! The performance focuses on the first half of the 19th century when music moved out of the palaces of Europe and into living rooms. New Perspectives explores the intricate writing and scoring of the successful work of classic hits. Including Beethoven's Septet and Louise Farrenc's Nonet, the orchestra showcase their skill full of rich textures as they perform two hits by much-loved composers. Don't miss this powerhouse musical experience! For more information or to book tickets, visit www.arco.org.au
Company the Musical at Newcastle Theatre Company
Chookas Entertainment presents Company, a musical comedy that explores love, relationships, and the struggle for intimacy. A strong female cast shows the main protagonist how women influence his life. The original production by Stephen Sondheim was nominated for 14 Tony Awards, breaking records. Having stood the test of time, the dark humour comedy musical will have audiences laughing the entire time! The local cast is giving the character-driven piece a fresh new look to modernise it and make it one of the best productions Newcastle has seen. Be sure to secure your tickets; you don't want to miss this! For more information or to book tickets, visit www.chookasentertainment.com
Maitland Heritage Festival at Church Street, Maitland
Maitland Heritage Fest is back for its third year on the weekend of 16 – 18 June. Ticketed events start with the Festival Dinner at Monte Pio on Friday 16, Guided Heritage Walking Tours around Maitland, including afternoon tea at Studio Amsterdam, Bridge House tours, and Piano Recital at Sun Street Studio, which will be held on Saturday, 17. The Family Fun Day on Sunday, 18, will be held in various locations around Church Street Maitland and is free entry with many free activities. Activities on Sunday will include engaging with local historians and artisans, a silhouette artist, bell towers and Grossmann House tours, stalls, great food, demonstrations, local entertainers and much more. For more information, visit maitlandheritagefest.com.au