Thinking of Adopting? Check Out Our Pets of the Month

Trinity’s coat is decorated in three beautiful colours! She is beautiful, playful and friendly and is currently the #GirlBoss of the group at her foster home. Trinity is a female domestic short hair with soft fur and a popular calico coat. About ten months old, she is healthy and happy, living strictly indoors at all times, but wouldn’t say no to a safely enclosed cat run if you have one (very comfortable indoors, so it’s not a must). Trinity is cool with dogs but will take a minute to feel safe enough to interact closely.

Wonderful Willow loves to go for walks. She loves a car ride and exploring! And when she isn’t exploring, she is snoozing. She loves her people and as many belly rubs as possible! She is initially timid, but once she gets to know you, she is your best friend! Don’t let her dough eyes fool you; she loves her food but isn’t starving! Willow will need to be an only dog, but with the love she has, she will be the only dog you need!
Please contact Dog Rescue Newcastle if you’re interested in adopting either Mac or Phoenix -