- intouch Magazine
Luxury Escapes unveils Australia’s largest vaccine incentive: $200 million to open Australia
● Overseas travel is the number one reason Australians want to get vaccinated
● 87% of Australians plan to travel internationally when they are fully vaccinated
● Luxury Escapes to offer all vaccinated Australians a $200 voucher
After almost eighteen months of being grounded, Australians are more eager than ever to explore the world again. But with few Australians having natural immunity to COVID19, vaccinations remain essential to borders opening and quarantine-free international travel resuming.
To help Australia get vaccinated, Australia’s fastest growing travel company, Luxury Escapes, today announced it will give away $200 million in travel vouchers. The global business, based in Melbourne, is offering a $200 Luxury Escapes voucher towards international travel for the first one million Australians who have commenced their Covid-19 vaccination program prior to 30 September.
In a recent Luxury Escapes survey, 80% of Australians said that overseas travel was the number one reason for getting vaccinated. Once vaccinated, 87% of Australians say they would like to travel overseas, with 83% saying they believe vaccination is important in order for this to happen.
When it comes to the number oneinternational destination Aussies are pining for there are many, but the top choice for destination was the UK followed by Bali and then Singapore.
Adam Schwab, Co-founder and CEO at Luxury Escapes says “Australians are among the keenest travellers in the world, exploring the globe is in our DNA. The fact that our customers have been unable to get out there and do what they do best, is something many of us are really missing in our lives.
“At Luxury Escapes, we recognise the crucial role the vaccines will play in ensuring borders open so Aussies can travel again. We hope that giving away $200 million in incentives to Australians who are getting vaccinated will give our vaccine roll out a massive boost and inspire other businesses to follow suit”.