Have Your Say: Help Us Shape the Future of Transport in Newcastle

Feedback is being sought from people who live, work, or play in Newcastle as the Minns Labor Government continues developing strategic plans to improve travel options and the Hunter region’s transport network.
The Draft Hunter Strategic Regional Integrated Transport Plan (SRITP) outlines a vision for transport in the region where all communities are well connected by high quality transport infrastructure and services, allowing people to walk, ride, catch public transport or use their private vehicle safely. Tim Crakanthorp MP, State Member for Newcastle said, "The SRITPs have been developed with key Hunter stakeholders and are a vital step in ensuring that our transport infrastructure and services keep pace with the needs of our community."
The Newcastle electorate is changing, with significant population growth and increased freight movements within and through the region.
To address these changes, Transport for NSW has released the SRITP Draft Plan for public consultation. Public consultation will be open for over two months from 16 December 2024 to 28 February 2025.
To provide feedback, complete the online survey at www.haveyoursay.nsw.gov.au/sritp/hunter
The survey has been designed to allow community to pick which themes relate best to their concerns or ideas, such as First Nations, public transport, safety, active transport, freight, or environment.
It also allows community members to easily provide feedback on actions and initiatives identified for the region, which include a mixture of infrastructure projects, programs, and service improvements in the short, medium or long term.
More detailed feedback is also welcome and can be sent to engage.sritps@transport.nsw.gov.au or by uploading a submission to the Have Your Say page.
A copy of the draft plan, initiatives list, early engagement report, LGA summaries and other resources are available on the project webpage at www.haveyoursay.nsw.gov.au/sritp/hunter
During the consultation period, Transport for NSW representatives will be out in the region in early 2025 at various pop-up locations to talk with local communities.