Growth, Community, and Innovation | Hunter Mayors Reveal Their Vision for 2025 and Beyond

This year’s local council elections delivered surprising results that have culminated in a wave of new talent in the region’s Mayoral positions. We sat down with the Lord Mayors of Newcastle, Lake Macquarie, Port Stephens and Cessnock to learn more about them.
We asked each incoming Lord Mayor six key questions, and these were their responses:
1. Why did you enter politics?
2. What was your previous career?
3. What excites you about your role?
4. What are 3 things you want to achieve?
5. What community legacy do you want to leave?
6. Who inspires you?
Adam Shultz – Lord Mayor of Lake Macquarie
Adam Shultz previously served as Deputy Mayor of Lake Macquarie and grew up in Warners Bay. With his experience in financial services, small business, public policy, politics, and as a local father, he is well placed to advocate for improved opportunities for the city.
1. As a local, I want to improve our community. I am the youngest Mayor ever to serve Lake Macquarie, and I believe I have a potent mix of youthful energy, relevant experience and key qualifications for the role.
2. I have worked in the financial services industry for many years. In my younger days, I poured beers to earn my way through university and worked in my father’s businesses. I can operate a 20-tonne excavator and drive a tip truck. My lived experience, academic qualifications and practical skills will come in handy.
3. Lake Macquarie has a population of 220,000 people and is expected to grow by nearly 40,000 residents in the next 15 years, creating a demand for a further 12,000 dwellings. It’s about leaning into what’s next, and I think housing affordability, with the five Transit Orientated Developments (TODs, mandated by the NSW Government) and the proposed low-rise and mid-rise NSW Government initiatives will be high on the agenda. Lake Macquarie City Council will hold a housing forum in early 2025 with key stakeholders, including developers, affordable housing providers, union leaders, civil society organisations and key politicians, to see how we can differentiate Lake Macquarie from the other 127 local government areas in NSW.
4. Enhance family-friendly infrastructure such as upgrading sporting facilities, pools, playgrounds and parks. Increase housing opportunities by leveraging and amending existing policies and promoting Lake Macquarie by capitalising on our beautiful natural environment and making it a place for families to thrive.
5. Strategically increasing the housing supply and ensuring families don’t have to relocate out of Lake Macquarie for employment is critical to our future success. Increasing the proportion of our working-age population is really important. I hope my tenure on Lake Macquarie City Council, including the last eight years and my time as the Mayor of Lake Macquarie going forward, is remembered as the start of a transformative era. An era that provides solid foundations for Lake Macquarie to grow, prosper and fulfil our potential as a city over the next 50 years.
6. I grew up in a loving family, and their qualities greatly inspire me. My Grandpa's determination to rise from poverty and serve his community, my dad’s incredible work ethic, my Mum’s strength as a working single mother, and above all, my wife, Cassandra, who is the glue of our family.

Dr Ross Kerridge –Lord Mayor of Newcastle
Born and bred in Newcastle, Dr Kerridge has enjoyed a long and illustrious medical career. Passionate about public health and community care, he now brings his down-to earth approach to the politics of his hometown. Kaye Fraser, the previous Lord Mayor of Lake Macquarie, has recently been appointed as his
new Chief of Staff!
1. I’ve always seen involvement in politics as an expression of involvement in the community, and I think everybody should be actively involved in the community.
2. I’ve worked in the Public Health system, mainly at John Hunter Hospital, all my life. I’ve seen people from all walks of life, the rich, the poor, the old and the young in their struggles in healthcare and other parts of their life. I think having a strong and resilient community enables people to cope with all the challenges that life throws up
3. I hope to stimulate community discussion about the challenges facing us, particularly around housing and building a community involving us all.
4. Development of new models of stable housing ownership and tenancy. Building a greater sense of a shared community. I want to focus on doing what matters rather than doing what looks good.
5. I would like Newcastle to be known as both a great place to live, but also a city and community that generates ideas and ways of doing things that are influential around the world. I want this to be a time to gain a positive view of Newcastle, pride in our past and heritage, and confidence in our future.
6. I have always been inspired by meeting patients and families struggling with enormous challenges, particularly health and social challenges and getting through them.

Leah Anderson – Lord Mayor of Port Stephens
The first elected female Mayor in the history of Port Stephens, Leah Anderson, has also served as Deputy Lord Mayor. She founded Port Stephens Women in Business and served as director on the boards of Destination Port Stephens and Port Stephens Koala Hospital, where she is also a qualified Koala carer.
1. I’m passionate about the role of local government in promoting grassroots democracy, and I entered politics to play an active part in improving community satisfaction and engagement.
2. I’ve spent 35 years in finance, including 25 years in senior leadership at Westpac and 10 years running my own business. I’ve also always been a passionate community leader through Rotary and various board appointments.
3. I am thrilled to be the first popularly elected female Mayor in the history of Port Stephens. I’m excited to be working alongside my ten fellow Councillors, four of whom are only just beginning their official duties.
4. For the past three years as Councillor, I’ve worked in partnership with the community to set the foundations for our future – financial sustainability, roads, housing, the environment, and support for those less fortunate have been key focus areas. During my campaign, I spoke with hundreds of people across Port Stephens, and there’s no doubt in my mind that these issues are still at the top of the list for residents and businesses. As Mayor, I’ll continue to advocate for solutions to housing affordability and diversity while ensuring that we support future growth with investment in our roads, transport, health services, schools, and public spaces.
5. I’m committed to leading an open, honest and transparent organisation. Community engagement will remain at the forefront of what we do. I want all residents of Port Stephens to be able to have their say on issues that are important to them. I’m excited about the next four years. I know that by working with our Council and Port Stephens locals, we can build a thriving, vibrant, inclusive community and a brighter future for Port Stephens. As Mayor, I’m committed to leading a team dedicated to transforming Port Stephens into an even better place to live, work, and visit. I want to be remembered for empowering our community through meaningful engagement. I want people to remember that I was instrumental in establishing additional community stakeholder reference groups, such as the Communications and Engagement Advisory Group. These groups ensure local voices shape our decisions by providing direct input to Council staff and Councillors. I’m passionate about fostering a culture of continuous improvement in community engagement. Together, we can create a Port Stephens where every resident has a voice and a stake in our future.
6. I draw inspiration from various strong leaders, admiring their leadership styles, ability to inspire and motivate teams, and commitment to serving others, using their position to uplift others rather than seek personal gain.

Daniel Wottan – Lord Mayor of Cessnock
Daniel Wottan is a father of five and a business owner in Cessnock who campaigned on “people before politics”. He’s passionate about harnessing what he sees as Cessnock’s untapped potential.
1. I’m deeply passionate about community service, charitable works and providing opportunities that empower others. My incredible wife and five children serve as a constant reminder of what truly matters: building a safe, supportive, and opportunity-rich community.
2. I’m the proud owner of Four Doors Services, a business I founded to help people gain the skills and support they need to discover pathways to employment and lifelong success. I’ve spent over 15 years working in senior case management, allied health, and business management. These experiences have given me professional insight and personal determination to advocate strongly for Cessnock and ensure that our local economy, residents, and community can reach their fullest potential.
3. The coming 12 months are vitally important to the future of our community as we put together a community strategic plan to guide operational and strategic investment over the next decade. I’m particularly excited about facilitating an open community conversation with residents across the LGA about what is important to them to inform and guide decision-making. The community strategic plan provides a golden opportunity for all councillors to collaborate and carefully calibrate future programs, investments and delivery to meet the needs of our community going forward.
4. Pushing for rapid improvements in transport infrastructures and regional connections. Reviewing our Disability Inclusion Action Policy to ensure we’re meeting and exceeding key criteria – to be sure that everyone – regardless of ability – has equal opportunities to participate and feel valued. Ensuring our road repair programs are innovative, proactive and sustainable. Alongside these priorities, I’m committed to nurturing an environment where small and large businesses alike can flourish.
5. The Cessnock local government area is growing rapidly. This presents challenges, but it also presents opportunities. By the end of my term, I want to see real progress on viable public transport options to provide connections between our dispersed communities. I want to see our path networks upgraded with accessible parks and amenities, along with upgraded sports and medical facilities in Cessnock and a new high school at Huntlee. We need to lobby for an additional police presence and patrols. I want to see the Cessnock LGA attract the infrastructure investment for our growing community. When my time in office ends, whenever that may be, I would like to see a lasting legacy that Cessnock will never again take for granted. State and Federal Governments need to contribute the funds to build the infrastructure necessary for our growing community.
6. My family will always be my biggest influence. My wife and kids are my inspiration and the reason for everything I do.