Grant to Support Inclusive Outdoors Learning at Warners Bay

Warners Bay Early Learning and Care Centre’s outdoor and inclusive learning opportunities will be boosted with $25,000 as part of the NSW Government $37.2 million Local Small Commitments Allocation Program.
The Local Small Commitments Allocation Program is enhancing local communities in each of the 93 NSW electorates with grants to more than 600 small community projects, ranging from capital works, services and programs, events, supplies and equipment, charitable donations, and playground and park upgrades.
Jodie Harrison MP, Member for Charlestown, said the Warners Bay Early Learning and Care Centre’s program will have fantastic benefits for all the children who attend the service.
“The opportunity to educate children about native plants through the installation of a bush tucker garden is fantastic,” Ms Harrison said.
“This is going to be a very valuable learning experience for all children, and I very much look forward to seeing the children enjoying the new outdoor space.”
Warners Bay Early Learning and Care Centre Director Debra Denz said the space will allow the children to enjoy the range of seasons, with undercover and open play options.
“It aligns with our desire to include Indigenous culture at the centre,” Ms Denz said.
“We look forward to creating a bush tucker space, using native plants that are conducive to our location.
“The space will be utilised for events that bring the community into the centre.”
For further information on the Local Small Commitments Allocation Program visit