Cessnock set to celebrate all things Australian

Cessnock City Council will host a series of COVID safe events as part of its Australia Day celebrations this year, which will run from Tuesday 25 January to Friday 28 January.
The festivities will kick off with a special community concert by the Australian Army Band Newcastle from 7pm on Tuesday 25 January at Cessnock Sportsground. Made up of members from the local community, this revolving group of talented musicians has existed as Newcastle and the Hunter’s own military band since 1861. The gates will open at 6pm and residents are invited to come along to this free event and enjoy what is sure to be a spectacular performance.
Council will host a special Citizenship Ceremony and the Australia Day Awards from 10am to 12noon on Wednesday 26 January at the Cessnock Performing Arts Centre. Unfortunately, with capacity limits, the general public will not be able to attend this particular event, however we will bring you highlights of these events via our social media pages.
The Cessnock Performing Arts Centre will host an Aussie Classics Film Festival on Friday 28 January and residents are invited to come along to one session, or settle in for a movie marathon. Three iconic Australian films will be showcased on the day including The Sapphires at 2pm, Babe at 5pm and Priscilla Queen of the Desert at 7pm. All films will be free, but bookings are essential. Get your tickets today by visiting www.cessnockperformingartscentre.com.au or by calling the Box Office on 4993 4266. Cessnock City Mayor, Councillor Jay Suvaal, said he is very much looking forward to the festivities and encourages the community to get involved.
“The Citizenship Ceremony and Australia Day Awards will be my first official event as Mayor of Cessnock City, and one I will be proud to preside over. I look forward to celebrating our newest Australian citizens and local award winners,” Councillor Suvaal said.
Please note, these events all comply with the current NSW Health guidelines, but changes will be made if required.
For more information about Cessnock City’s Australia Day celebrations, visit www.cessnock.nsw.gov.au/events.