The Show Must Go On For Newcastle Fringe

Newcastle Fringe Festival has launched the 2022 program with tickets on sale and selling now to 50 different shows and 137 performances across multiple genres, ensuring there is something to suit every age and demographic.
The festival will take place in several venues across Newcastle and Hamilton over 8 days from 17 March to 27 March 2022. The organisers of the festival are closely watching the pandemic unfold and have been heartened to see that Adelaide Fringe is pushing ahead and leading the way with covid safety protocols. Newcastle Fringe has every intention of proceeding with the festival as it is more important than ever before to stand by their mission of supporting artists and venues in such a difficult time.
“It may be that our audience numbers will be down as some people won’t be keen to venture out, or it could just as easily be a sell-out because people are so keen to get back to ‘normal’ and our capacities will be reduced to allow for social distancing,” said Brooke Twyford, Chair of Newcastle Fringe.
“Whatever happens, we’ll be encouraging everyone to follow venue guidelines and covid-safe practices. Being a good fringe goer means keeping yourself safe, as well as those around you, by taking all the safety precautions you can.”

The festival experience is affordable, quirky, unique and unusual. The best way to enjoy it is to study the program and identify the shows you’d like to see, searching by genre or by day on the website
Get into the spirit of the event by purchasing tickets to multiple shows - ticket prices are deliberately kept low, and half the fun is lurching from venue to venue, rushing around trying to see as much as you can. And for those not keen to venture out, there will be a selection of shows streamed from Sunday 27 March.
See the website for details or pick up a printed program at the usual outlets.