The BIG Picture

{Why having an overall scheme is better than buying pieces ad hoc}
Have you ever seen an item in a store, bought it, taken it home only to find it doesn’t suit? And if you couldn’t be bothered to return it, did it just become “stuff” put on a shelf or in a cupboard with no real purpose?
When designing a new house, or redesigning an existing one, get a big picture worked out first. Whether it be selecting a colour scheme for the exterior of the home, or a redesign of just one room, having the finished scheme worked out before making a start will guide and simplify the whole process and remove a lot of stress and last-minute decision making.
Any type of visualisation is great. A mock-up of a paint scheme or a mood board of furniture and accessories will enable you to determine if everything will work together or not. But if you are the type of person that this does not work for, its time to call an interior designer because this is precisely what we do.
We can visualise scale, colour and pattern combinations and might even push you out of your comfort zone a little to achieve an amazing result.
Having this overall scheme also gives you a guide when out shopping. You know the direction and the style of pieces you are looking for, the colours, the textures and the reasoning behind the selections.
When on a mission for a piece to improve a space, take a photo of the area before heading out. It’s best to do this from a fair way back so that the overall scene is visible. Use the help of staff in the stores – they are a wealth of knowledge and will often present options you would not have thought of.
Also, think about beauty as well as function. We are fortunate at Tailored HQ to have the beautiful brand Ferm Living. If you love Danish design and have not heard of this brand, look them up. Their products embody the beauty, function and quality ethos we live by.
Whilst you may need to buy one piece at a time due to budget, having an overall plan will give you clear direction. We use this philosophy in our design jobs too. We can provide an entire house scheme with a mood board for each room and pricing for every piece from curtains to furniture, right down to accessories, allowing you to know the overall cost of the entire job.
This method will enable you to choose which pieces are the most important, save for the others, or just do one complete room at a time until the money tree grows again. For some inspiration or a helping hand, visit our store at 41–45 Hunter St, Newcastle or call us for an appointment on 4047 2330.