Expressions of interest sought for Hunter Sports Centre construction tender
Lake Macquarie City Council is seeking companies interested in tendering for the construction of the expanded Hunter Sports Centre at Glendale.
Expressions of interest are being sought for construction of the upgraded facility, which includes an expanded sports and community centre with improved access and parking, a new athlete testing facility, and the NSW Trampoline Centre of Excellence.
The upgrades, expected to be completed in late 2024, will enable the centre to host national and international events and help foster the development of the Hunter Region’s future sports stars.
Lake Macquarie Mayor Kay Fraser said the expanded facility will be a significant economic driver for the city.
“Expansion of the Hunter Sports Centre will boost our regional economy by upwards of $16 million, creating about 100 direct and indirect jobs during the construction phase alone,” Cr Fraser said.
“With the ability to host national and international-level events, we expect the upgraded facility to attract an extra 260,000 visitors to Lake Macquarie each year.”
The Australian Government has committed $10 million to the project through the Building Better Regions Fund, and $1.51 million through the Local Roads and Community Infrastructure Program.
The NSW Government has committed $1 million through the Regional Sport Facility Fund, and $12.5 million from its Centre of Excellence Fund towards the NSW Trampoline Centre for Excellence – Australia’s only dedicated Trampoline Centre of Excellence.
Council will contribute the remaining funds through development contributions and other funding sources.
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To download documentation and submit an expression of interest, please refer to Council’s Tenderlink portal,
Expressions of interest close on 26 August.