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A Shared Vision for Newcastle in 2040

intouch Magazine

We've heard from over 5,000 locals over the past year to understand what you value in our city and what we should prioritise for the future.


The result is the Community's Strategic Plan for Newcastle in 2040. It's a shared community vision developed as a guide to inform actions throughout the city for the next 10+ years. For all of us who live, work, play and study in Newcastle, this vision sets the direction for how we want our city to grow.

Based on community feedback, in 2040, Newcastle will be a liveable, sustainable, inclusive global city. We will celebrate our unique city and protect our natural assets. We will optimise opportunities and build resilience in the face of future challenges.

Is this the future you'd like to see in Newcastle?

Have your say on the Community's Strategic Plan and vision for Newcastle 2040 by visiting


City of Newcastle alone cannot deliver the priorities and objectives of Newcastle 2040. Shared decision-making and collaborative partnerships with government agencies, nongovernment organisations, businesses and, of course, our local community will be critical to our collective success as a region. Every one of us has a role to play in realising our shared future. So as we move towards achieving our goals for Newcastle 2040, we will work closely with you, our community and partners on the actions, projects and services we need to deliver to bring this plan to life. Together, we can create a liveable, sustainable, inclusive global city.

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