Is Courage the Key to Resilience?
When I talk to other health care workers, they all report an increase in clients experiencing symptoms of anxiety and panic attacks. It is common for those clients also to list a lack of confidence and self esteem, feeling overwhelmed, and some will talk about how they just can’t perform “the way they used to”. It is as though they are lacking the resilience to cope and to prosper. It could be argued that society is becoming more stressed as the pace of change is forever increasing.
Technology is developing faster than most of us can absorb. If you are in business, or for that matter any profession, you are expected to wear many hats at any given time of the day. A businessperson is a manager of people, a financial juggler, a salesperson, a marketer, a counsellor, and a producer, while at the same time is wearing the many hats of being a parent and a partner while hoping to find some time for self.
A teacher is planning and prepping for lessons for students as a class and individually. They are also increasingly managing the emotional, physical and sometimes financial welfare of students. They have increased administrative accountabilities and also try to squeeze some time in for family and self. School and Tertiary students are not immune to these added stresses as they work on the jigsaw of life, finding puzzle pieces for study, exams, friends, family, work, sport, leisure and self. Workers from mining and industry tell me of the increases in workload both physical and mental. Primary producers can throw climate change into the mix of juggling balls as mentioned above.
It doesn’t matter what field of industry or society a person is participating in; there are some people whose resilience, adaptability and survival mechanism sees them through the toughest of battles, whereas others struggle under the same pressures. I offer five tips to start the resilience building process:
What in your life do you do well? When do you feel most comfortable? That is your foundation point. Find a memory where you surprised yourself with an achievement. Keep an image in your mind of you “at your resilient best”. Replicate that behaviour and mindset. Step into that image and be you.
Make a note of circumstances that bring out the fear in you. Do you have a “limiting belief” about that situation? Tell yourself that there is no failure; just an opportunity to learn and grow. Repeat a new positive mantra “I can do this, I can do this, I can do this”.
Have a positive and effective plan. This has to be a plan that is true to you. What are your values? What are your goals? What is your vision? Make sure that you are standing in your truth.
Have the courage to share your story with a trusted loved one or colleague. You are not the only one who has experienced this. Find a mentor who will not judge you, but will listen and encourage.
Modelling: Have a look at people who have succeeded in your field. What character traits do they display? How do they speak? How do they stand? How do they dress? How do they behave? You don’t have to become that person. However, you will find that they present physically as a confident, courageous person.
History is littered with tales and stories of courage and resilience. I often tell my clients stories and metaphors while they are in trance. Children love the story of David and Goliath. David had the courage to confront Goliath when armies before him had failed. In 14th century Switzerland, a tyrant named Gessler forced a defiant yet courageous William Tell to fire an arrow into an apple that was perched on Tell’s son’s head. In a more contemporary time, one can only wonder at the courage of Curtis McGrath, an Australian soldier who lost his legs when he stood on a land mine in Afghanistan. While still conscious he told his mates that “you’ll see me at the Paralympics”. Four years later he won Gold in the Men’s KL2 Canoeing at the Rio De Janeiro games.
David R. Hawkins says “Courage implies the willingness to try new things and deal with the changes and challenges of life. These people find the capacity to face fears or character defects and to grow in spite of them.”
Are you ready to fortify your resilience? Brett at Cameron Hypnotics has created a 3 Session Resilience Hypnotherapy program for $450. You might also want to check the range of self-hypnosis MP3s on Spotify and iTunes by searching Cameron Hypnotics. For more information visit