We Spoke, They Listened - GYM’S ARE BACK!

Dallas Rosekelly, the founder of Planet Fitness in Australia, has been lobbying to the State and Federal Government and Fitness Australia for weeks to get gyms re-opened in NSW and across Australia.
Dallas decided he couldn’t remain silent any longer, saying “enough is enough” and he has “kept quiet for too long, thinking someone else will lobby or push for the re-opening of gyms” and took action into his own hands when he sent the open letter to the Federal and State Government.
Dallas has been in close communications with Fitness Australia, after he sent them an emotive email calling them “pathetic” and that “the industry needs to wake up.”
Fitness Australia have now invited him to go on a panel to represent the industry to the Government as an independent gym owner. It was just announced that gyms will re-open on June 13th, with capacity of 100 people and 10 people to a class.
Dallas says, “These numbers are a positive start. I think a square meter-based number of people in classes would have been better, but it is great to see reasonable access to more people for bigger health clubs. But it is a shame it hadn’t happened sooner. It is a shame that we were not deemed as essential as pubs and poker machines.”
Dallas has concerns for all gyms after having been closed for 12 weeks.
“First concern would be the fear that people have, and the misconception that gyms are not safe or healthy to use. People in the government spoke about how gyms were dirty, sweaty and at high risk. We’re not some dirty rats. Come and look in our gyms and see how clean we are. Gyms are safe, gyms are clean, and gyms are healthy for people mentally and physically.”
“It will take many months for gyms in general to financially get back on their feet. It’s a long, slow, road back. I know every gym and studio will be welcoming their members back with open arms. I deeply believe that our members will support and adhere to the rules, regulations and restrictions we apply, and work with us to keep the gym safe and healthy for everyone else around them,” says Dallas.
Dallas says that he has repeatedly heard other members exclaiming they need gyms to re-open for their mental health just as much as their physical.
“This is a firm reminder of why we operate Fitness Centres, and what we do for our members and community.”
Regular exercise reduces the risk of health concerns and diseases, such as heart disease, high bloody pressure, diabetes, high cholesterol, depression, stress related illnesses and more.
Finally, Dallas wants to send a message to all his loyal members – “We thank and appreciate every person that viewed our messages, shared our posts, spoke to their friends and lobbied with us.
You all helped make this happen.”