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Shoal Bay Place Plan set to create a vibrant future

intouch Magazine

shoal bay

Following broad community engagement, Port Stephens Council unanimously agreed to adopt the Shoal Bay Place Plan at its ordinary meeting on Tuesday 23 April 2024


The Shoal Bay Place Plan has been developed in partnership with local residents and business to guide future land use planning, new infrastructure investment and place activation.

Deputy Mayor Leah Anderson said it’s a great outcome for the community.  

“Shoal Bay is a beautiful coastal town with a relaxed vibe and a tight knit community that values its natural assets,” Deputy Mayor Anderson said.

“The stunning beaches, National Park and vibrant town centre make Shoal Bay an attractive place to live and visit.  We know that over the next few years, more and more people will want to live in this incredibly special part of the world.

“The Shoal Bay Place Plan will guide how we manage this increasing demand – it will help support housing growth but also ensure we don’t lose the unique character and natural beauty of Shoal Bay while improving residents quality of life.

“Earlier this year, the community provided feedback on the draft plan and although we had lots of support for the actions, there were also some concerns raised by our community.

“Many of these concerns and the feedback provided has now been incorporated into the final document – this includes further conversations around changes to building heights, supporting infrastructure and alternate access roads,” she added.

Along with infrastructure improvements, the adoption of the Shoal Bay Place Plan will lead to improved economic outcomes for local businesses with upgrades to business areas, local events and improved shopfronts. It will also help to protect and celebrate Shoal Bay’s natural assets recognising a number of opportunities for projects including clean up days, beachfront stabilisation, environmental volunteering and education campaigns.

The Shoal Bay Place Plan includes actions that can be championed by our community.

“I know there are already some Shoal Bay residents who are itching to get started on some of the community led initiatives,” Deputy Mayor Anderson said.

"We’re working with the Towns Team Movement to set up a Shoal Bay Town Team to kick start and support the implementation of the plan. The first Shoal Bay Town Team event is on Thursday 16 May from 5:30 to 7:30pm at Shoal Bay Country Club – we encourage all residents and business to come along.” she added.

The Town Teams Movement is run by a non-profit company helping local communities to connect, organise and act to regenerate the fabric of their neighbourhoods and to create better places.

To read the Shoal Bay Place Plan or find out how to get involved in the Shoal Bay Town Team, visit 

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