Nominations open for national HESTA Excellence Awards

HESTA is today calling for nominations of dedicated professionals working in disability, allied health, aged care and community services in Australia for the 2021 HESTA Excellence Awards.
With a $60,000 prize pool up for grabs, the national Awards celebrate professionals from the four sectors who are going above and beyond the everyday high-quality care they provide to achieve outstanding health outcomes for Australians.
HESTA CEO Debby Blakey said the ongoing battle with COVID has demonstrated the critical importance of allied health, disability services, aged care and community services professionals in protecting and supporting their communities, as well as to our economic recovery.
“These amazing professionals are supporting Australians to stay healthy and well, and our economy to remain resilient and productive. They’ve often delivered the very highest standards of care in the most challenging of circumstances,” Ms Blakey said.
“Their work is exceptional and should be recognised nationally. I’m very proud HESTA can help share their stories, their achievements and bring greater awareness to the wide-ranging impact they have had on so many lives.”
Nominations close Sunday 2 May. Anyone working in the four sectors – allied health, disability services, aged care or community services – and who are involved in the delivery of exceptional care or service can nominate or be nominated. Nominations are open for both the Outstanding Organisation and Team Excellence categories. An independent judging panel comprising sector representatives will choose a winner from each sector and for each category.
The eight winners will each take home $7500 – donated by longstanding Awards supporter ME – the bank for you – to be put towards professional development or development of their chosen initiative.
ME CEO Adam Crane said the bank was very proud of their HESTA Awards program partnership, which began in 2007.
“This is such an important award,” Mr Crane said.
“It recognises the resilience and commitment of these unsung heroes, the local legends who help us at every stage of our lives – from birth to old age and even through a pandemic. We applaud every one of this year’s future nominees.”
Finalists will be announced on 27 July 2021 and winners revealed at the Awards ceremony in Melbourne on 25 August 2021, subject to COVID safety restrictions.
For more information or to submit a nomination, visit