March 2024 Horoscopes

March is the month to get serious about your future direction. (Also: Happy Birthday to you!) The New Moon in your sign sets the mood and helps you strike a balance between growth and stability. Beat the Lunar Eclipse by frontloading the first half of the month with fun and celebrations. Emotions run hotter in the last week with long-term finances and intimate agreements the likely flashpoints. These matters are more likely to flare if you’ve taken on too much responsibility or are looking to dodge it completely. As always, the sweet spot is in the middle.
You are happily minding your own business for most of March. Friends may express mild concern that you seem somewhat withdrawn, particularly around the New Moon. Although you’re unlikely to admit it, you feel your inner flame has dimmed. This is a classic pre-birthday symptom and will pass when you get your much-needed annual solar recharge. In between napping and party planning, make friends with your inner demons. It looks like they’re offering excellent partnership advice as relationship sparks fly under the Lunar Eclipse. Commitment isn’t a dirty word in business or romance.
21 APRIL – 20 MAY
Be careful what you wish for under the March New Moon as the universe offers extra receptivity and extra durability for your intentions. But, by golly, once you decide what you want, do not miss this magical moment to make your dreams come true. It’s also a wonderful lunation to share with your most cherished friends. Put more energy into socialising and group commitments, but don’t burn the candle at both ends. You need time to rest and recharge. The Lunar Eclipse will reveal where you need to make adjustments to your wellness rituals and daily routines.
21 MAY – 21 JUNE
A fresh career chapter unfurls with the New Moon at the top of your chart. What starts now could have far-reaching consequences, so aim high with your professional goals, then roll up your sleeves. Getting out and about to mingle more will expand your web of connections and boost your visibility. Plus, it’s fun, right?! More pleasure is definitely on your agenda in the latter half of the month. You may have been more focused on your adoring audience lately rather than on what brings you joy. The Lunar Eclipse asks you if you’ve got the balance right.
22 JUNE – 22 JULY
There’s an undercurrent of longing to carry you through March. While you will enjoy going with the flow at times, you may become frustrated by an inability to chart your own course. Try to get away from it all around the New Moon. If you can’t put yourself on a beach with a cocktail, seek out a more local watering hole. All this period of drift leads you to exactly where you didn’t know you needed to be. Family responsibilities are highlighted by the Lunar Eclipse and temporarily draw your attention away from high-paced career activity.
Grab your insect repellent. A murky New Moon requires you to wade through the swampy territory of loans, taxation, and retirement planning. If you come adequately prepared, you will find your way back to solid ground and have discovered some hidden riches along the way. Inevitably, this leads to you browsing for your next holiday destination or educational opportunity. You are a curious creature, and once you have an idea in your head, you tend to make it happen. Give your partner the heads-up now that they should expect a travel tangent around the Lunar Eclipse.
Fancy a spot of romance? You’ll either be all-in or all-out on a partnership at the New Moon. In fairy tales, the division of household chores is never mentioned in the happily-ever-after, but you need to find the sweet spot between reality and fantasy in your relationship life. The Lunar Eclipse suggests that a modest investment of time/energy/money in periodic escapes could be worthwhile. Don’t go for a one-and-done OTT splurge; choose something small, sustainable, and repeated for best results. You know better than anyone, Virgo, that the little things add up.
New routines and daily habits, which are a happy medium between do-able and Goop-worthy, can be started around the New Moon. The weirder, the better. As March progresses, you’ll soon know if they’re sustainable by how cranky you are (or aren’t). Don’t be caught with your metaphorical pants down on the Lunar Eclipse. It will be difficult to hide if you’re up to anything ethically dubious. And even if you are totally above board, it’ll still be hard to hide, even if you want to. Don’t be a martyr; talk about the hard stuff.
Grab a friend and head to a class or workshop to capitalise on the abundant creative energy you have at your disposal this month. The New Moon is the ideal time to unleash your inner child. After all, play is serious business. Experiment with your artistic projects or try a new sport. No glue sniffing or high-risk athletic moves, though; we seek heart health and safety. There’s also the opportunity for the fun to take on an adults-only flavour. Lucky you. After all that excitement, you’ll probably be looking for a rest, and the Lunar Eclipse delivers.
You are digging deep at the New Moon – perhaps literally in your home veggie garden or hydroponic set-up. There’s a sense of getting back to basics to ensure your daily routine is as fulfilling as it can be. This, of course, isn’t the end game; these foundational activities also support your optimal wellness. Sink into feeling good. Friendships and group involvements are morphing rapidly under the Lunar Eclipse. Let the changes unfold as they need to, and everything will turn out for the best. If there’s a noticeable upswing in your creativity, you know you’re on the right track.
The New Moon helps you bring together your goaty pragmatism and your fish-tailed intuition. Max out your mental productivity by adding some fun as a lubricant. Then it’s just a matter of allowing the cogs to turn at their own pace. The Lunar Eclipse offers an alternate perspective on your professional life, and this new awareness is likely to be positive. Maybe let go of work a little? You are far more invested in your personal life anyway. Enjoy your home, the kids, siblings and neighbours, and life’s pleasures – everyone else can wait.
You’ve been dreaming big lately, and March is great for taking action on your visions. Turn over a fresh financial leaf with the New Moon and put a downpayment on your goal. Interesting money-making opportunities online, at home, or with family could also help improve your cash flow. But it’s not really about numbers on a spreadsheet. You have a broader sense of possibility, which opens up even further around the Lunar Eclipse. Tune into the feedback loop: to help make the dream a reality, you need to commit to your plan in the material world.