Custodians of Koalas Deliver a Brighter Future

Koalas are an endangered species. According to state government research, by 2050, it will be extremely rare to see a koala in the wild. This is just 27 years away, and time is ticking. The passionate team at the Port Stephens Koala Sanctuary, which supports the work of the Port Stephens Koala Hospital, are working tirelessly to help prevent this outcome, but they can’t do it alone. Working on the principle that a whole of community response is required for success, they invite you to become a Koala Crusader.
Becoming a Koala Crusader provides an opportunity for individuals to directly contribute financially to the preservation of koalas in the Port Stephens region. A decade ago, the Port Stephens region counted koalas in the 1000s;today, that number has reduced to a count in the 100s. Becoming a Koala Crusader costs just $129, with 25% of that going directly to the long-term rehabilitation, preservation, and conservation of koalas in the Port Stephens area. In addition to this direct financial contribution, Koala Crusaders also receive unlimited entry into the Port Stephens Koala Sanctuary for 12 months, a 10% discount off souvenirs and gifts in the Fat Possum Café, a 10% discount off accommodation at the Port Stephens Koala Sanctuary; bring a friend for free on Wild Koala Day in May each year; a pre-booked guided tour; a Pledge Certificate; a Koala Crusader Plush; a Koala Crusader Car Sticker; Baseball Cap; Writing Pen and Lapel Pin.
A Port Stephens Koala Crusader pledges to, wherever possible, “educate and encourage all to better understand the plight facing koalas today and to do whatever I can to ensure their long-term survival in the wild”.
“Becoming a Koala Crusader is just another way to participate in conservation efforts,” said James Cook, Business Development and Marketing Manager of Port Stephens Holiday Parks.
“It is the whole of society response that matters. The Koala Crusaders project is conservation via education. Humanity does better when it learns about a problem. Greater knowledge leads to better outcomes.
“The Koala Crusaders project is targeted at those that think it makes a good gift for someone else. Ideal for grandparents to gift to the next generation, creating custodians of koalas for a better future. Better education at a young age helps to form opinions about the long-term survivability of the species. This is conservation by education.”
In 2017 the Port Stephens Council received a NSW State government grant for $3 million to go towards establishing a koala hospital. Port Stephens Council contributed the remaining funds towards the multimillion dollar facility. The local koala population was under threat from land clearing, motor vehicles and dogs, and the only specialist care available was in Port Macquarie or Sydney. Travelling long distances to provide the necessary care caused such extreme stress on the koalas that mortality rates were very high.
“Port Stephens Council had to decide on the best model to ensure the ongoing success for preserving our koala population. Rather than taking the less secure approach of constantly seeking more grants to keep going or asking ratepayers to pay for it, the self-funded business model was chosen, and it has been hugely successful.”
According to Tourism Australia, Pre-Covid, 86% of international tourists aim to interact with a koala, and this activity is worth $2.7 billion.
“Covid has been a blessing in disguise. The facility opened just as the covid pandemic hit. This enabled us to iron out any wrinkles in operation and to ensure world-class standards. The domestic market has been the mainstay of the sanctuary so far, with international tourism only now picking up. Independent Net Promoter Scores for the Koala Sanctuary have been consistently in the 90s since the opening, indicating that it exceeds guest expectations and is considered a world class facility.”
One of the points of difference for the facility is that visitors see the koalas in the wild with fewer barriers or cages, and human interaction is kept to a bare minimum. In addition, the elevated boardwalk lets you enter into their environment rather than the other way around. For Koala Crusaders, nothing could be more beautiful. To become a Koala Crusader, visit