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Australians reaching out for help in record numbers

The three busiest days in Lifeline’s 57-year history have been this month with the service receiving 3,436 calls on Monday, according to new data released by Lifeline Australia today


The record smashing demand for Australia’s largest suicide prevention line is a reminder that this is a physical and mental health pandemic, Lifeline Australia chair John Brogden said.

“The good news is that people who need support are reaching out and they’re getting it.

“While Monday was our busiest day on record, it wasn’t a one off. It’s been a difficult few year for everyone in the community, but this also means that Australians know help is there when they need it.

“In the same period 2 years ago we were averaging under 2,500 calls, our new record is almost 40 per cent higher.

The record setting week comes as The AFL and Western Bulldogs join forces with Lifeline to raise mental health awareness in the community. The partnership will also raise funds to support 300 more crisis supporters needed to man phones and text services.

“Lifeline volunteers have been working harder than ever since 2019 to support people at risk, and they need support to continue operating at this pace, Mr Brogden said.

“We need the community to support volunteers who are working harder than ever.

“These are challenging times, it is ok not to be feeling ok.

“Connecting with others is key. If you, or someone you know are feeling overwhelmed, we encourage you to connect with Lifeline in the way you feel most comfortable.

“Either phone us to speak to a Crisis Supporter on 13 11 14 (24 hours/7 days), or chat to us online at (7pm – midnight, 7 nights).” Mr Brogden said.

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