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New Home for Anglican Care in Gloucester

Mirrabooka Place in Clement Street has been a hive of activity over the past 24 months, as Anglican Care and the Gloucester community celebrated the opening of the purpose-built facility late last month.

The 50-bed home has been designed to offer an environment of wellbeing and happiness, facilitating opportunities for social interaction and time outdoors. The $16,971,079 million development was made possible with the assistance of an $8 million Australian Government Building Better Regions Fund (BBRF).

The project, incredibly, was only a few weeks behind schedule despite delays due to site work required before construction, bush fires, droughts, a shortage of building supplies and, of course, COVID-19. The development has had a genuine positive flow-on to the local economy with as many local tradespeople, contractors and suppliers locally sourced and recruited.

Everything that could be done locally was done that way. Federal Member for Lyne, The Honourable Dr David Gillespie has been supportive of the project from its inception and is excited to see the project come to fruition.

“The Anglican Care development certainly offers the community significant social and economic benefits, and I am so pleased to see locals moving into their beautiful new home,” he said.

“Gloucester is recognised as having one of the highest proportions of people over the age of 65 in NSW, with 28.4% compared to the state overage of 15.7%,” said Dr Gillespie.

“This project has not only delivered a boost to our local economy but now provides long term options for aged care services for locals who live here and those people considering making the tree change to the beautiful Gloucester Valley.”

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