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  • intouch Magazine

Now is the Right Time to Make Your Next Move

There is no doubt that we are living in very different times. It feels like that most days we hear of business restructures, closures and job losses, as the coronavirus pandemic continues to have devastating effects on our economy.

However, as with every crisis, there will be recovery and opportunity.

At Atwea College we remain connected to employers and businesses and we know that while many are struggling to find a new space in this ever-changing landscape, there are far more that have pivoted to meet changing customer demands and are creating new ways of doing business. This has also meant that many of them are now seeking slightly different skills and resources.

We have been working with local employers to help craft skill set courses, qualifications and learning pathways that will not only provide our community with the right skills to tackle new markets but will support individuals to plan their next career move.

As a community college with more than 100 years’ experience in this community, Atwea is able to offer a number of government-assisted programs that are specifically designed to help people reskill, upskill and gain job-ready qualification training. These courses are offered flexibly and can be online, in the classroom or a blended model that can assist learners in gaining both practical and theoretical skills for existing and emerging jobs.

Atwea is also now taking enquiries from individuals in the Hunter and Mid North Coast regions who are interested in gaining accredited qualifications in the employment and career areas of leadership, management and business, community services, beauty therapy, remedial massage therapy and music industry. Diploma enrolments will be offered from Term 4 in 2020 and are offered in blended delivery platforms across Atwea’s seven campuses.

As part of Atwea College’s ongoing commitment to the safety of our community, we moved quickly early this year to establish a comprehensive Covid19 management plan for our campuses. This has evolved to meet new regulations and practices and has included the implementation of safe choices such as maintaining physical distancing and good workplace hygiene. This also led to the College being successfully registered as a COVIDSafe business.

The College was also recently awarded a contract by the NSW Government to deliver specialist C3 safety and hygiene training for employees and business owners. The course units in hygiene management and safety are being offered through Atwea’s accredited Covid19 Infection Control Unit.

With the support of Training Services NSW, businesses and individuals can access training (subject to eligibility) face to face or online to learn all the necessary and practical applications to reduce and manage infection risks. This training program will contribute to the safety of your staff, customers and clients.

We have always taken our role as a provider of learning and education options for the people of the region very seriously. To ensure that we are providing the right education solutions for you, we also invite people to speak with us about their skills needs and those of their business or organisation. As a community college, we have the advantage of being able to work with our community to provide niche and needed skills or educational products that can help our region recover and prosper.

Enquire now at or call 4925 4200.

Above: Atwea Senior Education Manager Nicola Bartlett, Executive Director Rowan Cox and Alesco Principal Teresa Pantaleon.

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