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Flying Forward to 30 Yrs at Fighter World

Located just 20 mins drive north of Newcastle, Fighter World at the RAAF Williamtown Aviation Heritage Centre provide visitors with a totally 'hands-on' experience. Since 1991 this hidden gem has welcomed more than 800,000 visitors through its doors, and in 2021 it will celebrate its 30th Anniversary.

Situated at the end of the Williamtown runway the observation deck offers a superb view of Australia's latest Defence acquisition the totally awesome F-35 'Lightning II' fighter jet and the day to day operations of the RAAF Base.

One of the joys of this museum is just how close you can get to the displays. Visitors can walk right up to, touch and view some of Australia's most iconic aircraft. There are more than 17 aeroplanes, drones and replicas on display, and the collection grows every year. The exhibition also includes a multitude of aircraft weapons, radars and artefacts highlighting the development of military aviation over the past 100 years and the aviators and airmen that forged the respect that our Air Force deserves.

In 2021 the RAAF Base at Williamtown turns 80 and the Royal Australian Air Force – one of the oldest air forces in the world, will enjoy 100 years of meritorious operations.

For those of you inspired by something smaller, inside the main hangar you'll also discover the Norm Forrester Collection; one of Australia's greatest displays of hand-built model aircraft. Norm, was also a local Port Stephens artist following his retirement from the aviation industry.

Of course, free WiFi is available, and before you leave, don't forget to stop in at the souvenir shop for something truly unique to take home.

What a great way to spend a few hours and of course on those cold and windy days enjoy the warm welcome, great food and friendly atmosphere in the Fighter Beans Café. It's the perfect place to be! For more information about Fighter World including opening hours, or to purchase tickets online visit

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