#LakeMacNextGen gives a voice to young people

Lake Macquarie City Council’s 2020-2023 Youth Strategy #LakeMacNextGen is now on exhibition. The development of the strategy was led by Lake Macquarie’s young people and Council is now asking for feedback.
The strategy provides a clearer picture of what life is like for a young person living in Lake Mac, outlining a three-year strategic direction to address key issues for development.
Lake Macquarie Mayor Kay Fraser emphasised the importance for Council to continue working alongside young people.
“We have more than 30,000 young people who call our City home. We’ve spoken to young people right across our City about what can be improved. It has always been important for young people to have a voice, it’s our job to listen to their ideas and involve them to shape the future,” Cr Fraser said.
“We are working on improving access to technology as well as increasing arts and music events, and doing more to address issues of wellbeing.”
Council ran an extensive social media campaign as well as harnessing ideas through face-to-face workshops, focus groups, and an online survey.
The Youth Strategy was shaped from this engagement and sets out an ambitious action plan to deliver improvements.Dylan Shoesmith, Chairperson of the Lake Macquarie Youth Advisory Council was excited to collaborate with Council on the strategy.
“The Lake Macquarie Youth Advisory Council is proud to have worked with other young people across our City in the development of this strategy. It is crucial that young people are involved in the decisions which directly impact them,” Mr Shoesmith said.
“Young people in Lake Mac want to see our City as one which offers access to employment opportunities, the ability to participate in tech and creative mediums and advocacy for the health needs of young people.”
The Youth Strategy framework identifies seven key themes that were developed through the consultation process.
Some highlights of the plan include:
Working with employment agencies to provide support and training for young people as they finish school
Delivering local events that are accessible for young people and meet their interests
Working with shopping centres and local business to create youth friendly environments
Creating more opportunities for young people to express creativity via music and gaming
Advocating for the improvement of public transport and health support for young people
The strategy will be on exhibition until Monday 22 June 2020. For more information or to tell us what you think go to shape.lakemac.com.au/next-gen.