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Anti-Vax comments from Pete Evans draws condemnation

The Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (RACGP) has spoken out against celebrity chef Pete Evans promoting anti-vaxxer views on a commercial radio station yesterday.


RACGP President Dr Harry Nespolon said that Mr Evans’ claims were very troubling.

“It is extremely disappointing that two very popular and prominent commercial radio hosts have given Pete Evans 20 minutes of unfettered air time to air his anti-vaxxer stance.

“Mr Evans may consider himself ‘pro-choice for medical freedom’ but the fact that his assertions were by all accounts barely challenged by the radio hosts makes this interview particularly problematic.”

Dr Nespolon said that providing such a platform has the potential to compromise public health.

“As I have said many times, vaccines are one of the great success stories of modern medicine.

However, sadly the rise of the anti-vaxxer trend, which is particularly prominent on various social media platforms, has eroded public trust.

“I think that all television networks, radio stations and publications have a responsibility to self-regulate and not provide platforms to people spreading dangerous and misleading information that can harm public health.

“If they do interview such individuals they need to at least challenge conspiracy theories and ‘advice’ contrary to expert medical opinion.

“Instead of listening to Pete Evans on commercial radio, consult with your GP - we are there for you and have your best interest at heart.

“Now more than ever, expert advice matters.”

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