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Rainbow Storytime Promoting Diversity and Inclusion

Newcastle Libraries will be hosting Rainbow Families Storytime on the first Saturday of each month commencing February 1, as part of its commitment to City of Newcastle’s Pride in Diversity Strategy. The five-month series of glitter-filled storybook readings is an innovative twist on traditional storytime and the library’s popular rock and rhyme-time sessions, building on the success of previous storybook sessions held during the Newcastle Pride Festival.

“Rainbow Storytime is fun, and inclusive reflects our city’s diverse LGBTQ families and piggy-backs the creative community visiting Olive Tree Markets in Civic Park on the library’s doorstep,” Manager Community Programs & Partnerships Alex Mills said.

“Families of all ages and backgrounds are invited to join in for an all-singing, dancing and storytelling celebration of our city’s commitment to diversity and inclusion.

Deputy Lord Mayor Declan Clausen welcomed Rainbow Families Storytime as part of the City’s commitment to inclusion and literacy.

“This series is another way our libraries are delivering on the promotion of both diversity in our community and childhood literacy,” he said.

“Our Pride in Diversity Strategy helps ensure that our City services are welcoming for all Novocastrians. Our libraries are important community hubs. Rainbow Families Storytime is another way we can ensure all Novocastrians feel included by the range of free programming in our libraries.”

The first Rainbow Families Storytime session will be held at Newcastle Library on Saturday, February 1 at 10am and will continue through until June 2020. For more information visit

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