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Welcome to Your New Home - Kilpatrick Court

Kilpatrick Court is Anglican Care’s new, purpose built residential aged care home situated in the lakeside suburb of Toronto. The home has been designed to offer an environment of well being and happiness.

Accommodating 147 people, Kilpatrick Court will cater for people with a variety of individual care needs including dementia specific care and respite care. The majority of the rooms are single with ensuites, although there are some double rooms also available. Pictures Above: Chairman of the Board of Anglican Care Mr. John Kilpatrick, AM

Furnished with a bed, bedside table, chairs, television, shelving and wardrobe, your new home is ready to move right into. Situated throughout the home are an assortment of sitting rooms, lounge and activity areas. These provide places for residents to enjoy the company of other residents, family and friends, enjoy group activities or to just take a moment for serenity and reflection.

One of the unique features of Kilpatrick Court is the central courtyard around which the home has been designed and which facilitates opportunities for social interaction and time outdoors. There is also a communal café which is open to residents, their family and friends along with the broader community.

Kilpatrick Court has been named in honour of Mr. John Kilpatrick, AM in recognition of his 45-year history with Anglican Care and his dedication to the needs of the aged in the community. Anglican Care is an innovative provider of quality aged care services for seniors. Operating since 1956, Anglican Care is highly regarded for the quality of care provided by our skilled and caring staff.

Kilpatrick Court is opening soon if you would like more information, phone 4958 0000 or visit

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