Morpeth Bicentenary Celebrations Begin To Take Shape

Council is inviting community groups, businesses, schools, and other groups to get involved in the Morpeth Bicentenary by developing and delivering activities, programs or resources to include in the official programming to commemorate this important milestone.
On 20 and 21 November, the township of Morpeth will recognise the Bicentenary of its founding by Lieutenant Edward Charles Close.
Council is offering small grants of up to $1,000 for exciting projects that help raise awareness, build a sense of occasion and educate the community on this important milestone. Groups can also register associated activities to be included in the official program and promotions for the Bicentenary weekend.
Mayor of Maitland, Cr Loretta Baker, says ‘Council has adopted some exciting infrastructure and commemoration projects to acknowledge Morpeth’s Bicentenary.
‘Now is the time for the community to get involved by registering their activities as part of the official commemorations or applying for a small grant to help deliver projects, activities or resources to mark this special occasion’.
Council has adopted plans to proceed with three Bicentenary infrastructure projects, which will leave a lasting legacy, including a riverside shared pathway, Steamer Street shared pathway, and architectural lighting of Morpeth Bridge.
Council is also proceeding with a program of activities for the weekend of the Bicentenary including a Corroboree and Morpeth Bridge open day.
The development of a Bicentenary Activation Program will play an important role in creating a sense of occasion on the Bicentenary weekend. The small grants program and activity registration will help build the program of activities and ensure eligible activities are included on the bicentenary website, marketing and the official program.
To find out more, register an activity or apply for funding, visit