Council to support the community in getting back on the field

Lake Macquarie City Council is set to throw a lifeline to cash-strapped local sports clubs, waiving fees by 50 per cent for the 2020 winter sports season.
The initiative comes off the back of many clubs experiencing difficulty due to COVID-19.L
ake Macquarie Mayor Cr Kay Fraser said that with reduced and cancelled seasons, and community members who weren’t in a position to pay annual membership fees, Council’s aim was to provide some much-needed relief to local clubs.
“Community sport is an essential part of Lake Macquarie and needs to be supported,” Cr Fraser said
“Many of our sporting organisations have experienced challenges with having their season delayed and a loss of revenue from sign-ups.”
“We want to rally behind these clubs, who provide so many benefits to our community, and do everything we can to help winter sports go ahead.”
The proposed fee waiver of 50 per cent will collectively save Lake Mac sports clubs an estimated $216,000 this season.Manager Community Partnerships, Andrew Bryant said more than 60 local winter sports clubs will benefit directly, including, football codes, netball and baseball.
“Only 10 per cent of winter code clubs have made the decision not to participate in the 2020 season,” Mr. Bryant said.
“This is a meaningful way that Council can help support a valuable community service. I’m excited to see people of all ages back out on the field enjoying their sport.”
Lake Macquarie City Council has also developed facility manager guidelines to help clubs manage their sporting facilities. Clubs are encouraged to visit the Lake Mac Facility Manager ‘Return to Training’ checklist for further details about returning to training.
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