Indoor Pool And Community Centres To Reopen With Restrictions From Monday 15 June

The indoor pool located at Maitland Aquatic Centre and Council community centres and halls will reopen with restrictions from next Monday, 15 June.
Maitland Aquatic Centre’s indoor pool will reopen for casual bathers who will be able to book one hour sessions between the hours of 6.00am and 6.00pm Monday to Friday, and 9.00amand 5.00pm Saturdays.
A COVID-19 Safety Plan has been developed ahead of reopening and for the safety of our patrons and staff, bathers will be limited to ten at any given time and cleaning will occur between each one hour booking period.
Change rooms, showers and the kiosk will remain closed, however patrons will be able to access the public toilets.
Aquatics programs such as Learn to Swim and Aqua classes remain suspended. Indoor pool bookings can be made by emailing or phoning 02 4933 5073.
In addition, Council will commence reopening community centres and halls for regular hirers from Monday 15 June in accordance with NSW Government advice.
All regular hirers must seek approval from Council by contacting prior to returning to venues and all spaces will be subject to social distancing regulations and have maximum capacities in place.