Applications Now Open For Covid-19 Response And Recovery Grant

Maitland City Council’s COVID-19 Response and Recovery Grant which was initiated as part of Council’s response to the recent pandemic, is now open for applications for grants up to $20,000.
The COVID-19 Response and Recovery Grant Program will see up to a total of $120,000 in community grants awarded to local non-profit community based organisations/groups, sporting groups and associations, service clubs and businesses for projects and initiatives that address community needs and encourage community reconnection in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
The Program fosters community partnerships and reconnection and is intended to provide benefits to the wider community during the response, recovery and transition out of the current pandemic.
Proposed projects and initiatives must meet an identified need for Maitland residents and foster opportunities for community participation while meeting all Australian Government COVID-19 regulations and restrictions.
Maitland Mayor Loretta Baker says ‘This program will see the injection of much needed funds into the local community for projects and initiatives that will benefit the residents of Maitland. ‘I am excited to see community groups and other organisations apply for funding to facilitate community focused projects and initiatives.’
Applicants are welcome to contact Council’s Community Planning team prior to submission by emailing are open from today until 30 September 2020 and will be assessed on a rolling basis.
For more information on the COVID-19 Response and Recovery Grant, guidelines or to complete an application visit