NFP Spotlight: Reach Homeless Services

For those who have driven down Beaumont Street on a Friday night, seen the bbq set up in James Street plaza and wondered what it’s all about – wonder no more! It is the excellent work of this month’s spotlight charity – Reach Homeless Services.
REACH Newcastle provides a safe/regular place in a prominent location in the CBD that makes contact with a wide range of people in the community. These people could be affected by homelessness, drugs and alcohol, mental health issues, or just lonely. REACH provides a free BBQ, water, clothing, blankets, hygiene bags, weekend survival packs and referrals to other health and welfare organisations.
REACH Newcastle’s activities indirectly benefit the broader community by helping reduce incidents of alcohol abuse and antisocial behaviour and by helping alleviate the burden on the public welfare system by rehabilitating homeless individuals and empowering them to become independent and proactive members of the Newcastle community.
REACH Newcastle has been steadily expanding its community presence and volunteer team since it launched in 2014. Every Friday night, the REACH team of volunteers set up a BBQ in Beaumont Street Hamilton (James Street Plaza). Not only do those in need get a hot BBQ sandwich, but REACH also provides weekend emergency food hampers along with a selection of male and female hygiene products. During the cooler months, REACH assists with blankets, sleeping bags, warm clothing, hats and gloves. Of recent times REACH have partnered with other community organisations and individuals to provide hairdressing, community nursing and vouchers (Connecting the Hunter) that can be redeemed at local businesses.
COVID-19 has meant that REACH could not deliver their 'normal' Friday night services (social distancing issues). As a result, they have teamed up with Suspension Expresso cafe in Beaumont Street Islington to do what they can to continue to assist those impacted by this pandemic as well as their regular clients.
The team at Suspension have been outstanding in the provision of their support. REACH is a local NFP who are not affiliated with any other organisation or religious group, the board of directors are just local citizens who have a desire to make a difference to the lives of those in need. REACH is funded by donations and grants and would really appreciate local assistance with either donation of specific non-perishable food items or donations via their website at You can also find a list of items that are currently in short supply at the moment and urgently needed on the website, or perhaps you would like to volunteer your time. Reach has DGR status and any donations are tax-deductible.
Visit or email Gary Parsisson at