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intouch Magazine

Newcastle Fringe Festival

This year marks the 5th exciting year of Newcastle Fringe Festival, which showcases a smorgasbord or performing arts in the form of comedy, theatre, kids theatre, music, dance, cabaret and circus. More than 27 acts and 78 performances will feature across 5 Newcastle venues, including the best up and coming acts from the Hunter, regional Australia and around the world. Running from March 18th to 22nd, you can find more information and the lineup on


It is with much consideration and careful thought, with regards to the COVID-19 situation, that we have decided that the 2020 Newcastle Fringe will proceed.

The Newcastle Fringe is guided by Governmental health directives. There will be guidelines at each venue for patrons to follow, antibacterial wipes & hand sanitiser, a reduced program and reduced capacity seating to allow for optimum space between patrons. There will not be a crowd of over 500 people at any of our events or in any venue on any one day. Smaller audience sizes are the norm for Fringe events and in the wake of the pandemic we anticipate an even more intimate atmosphere.

In making our decision we took into account that, fortunately, Newcastle and the Hunter has not reported a Corona Virus cluster.

As is to be expected some of our acts, in the interest of their health and travel concerns, have decided to withdraw. Other acts such as YT Dingo and Maynard, have been cancelled due to the nature of their show being dance based. The virus is spread through droplets and dance would be particularly risky. We have also cancelled our launch event at the Lock-Up as safe catering would be problematic.

However, there is still a core of great entertainment and we believe that in such troubled times, an event such as this can lift public morale. Shows that have decided to continue are:

  • Gratiano, Moby Dick & Mulan by the UK based Grist to the Mill theatre company;

  • Re Dial N for Nerder and Nerds & Music by local Clark Gormley;

  • Dear Future Ex-Husbands;

  • Improv Job;

  • Miss Fairy for the kids;

  • Voices of Joan;

  • Disenchanted;

  • The Gerkin Girls;

  • Jamal Abdul;

  • Johnny Bakerlite;

  • Esoteric;

  • None of Woman Born;

  • Make America Great Again;

  • Amore e Morte;

  • Bubble;

  • Daughter Talks;

  • Carrington Crooner;


  • Jane Austen – The Good, The Bad and The Ugly

Newcastle Fringe appreciates that there will be confusion in the population around the changes to the program. We are doing our best to get the message out there. Newcastle Fringe is asking you, as a matter of public interest, to help us spread the word that the 2020 Newcastle Fringe is still on.

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