And So, Another Year Rolls On…

2019 is nearly gone and another decade awaits. This is the time of year when most of us take stock, reflect, rejuvenate, and in most cases collapse with exhaustion, knowing that somehow you have survived another year.
For a lot of us, this is also a time to give thought to how the next year can be different. By different, I mean to make some life and work changes.
“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking that we used when we created them.” ~ Albert Einstein
Are you exhausted mentally, physically and emotionally? Life can be stressful as we juggle family (both immediate and extended), work, school, social, work (yes more work), life, relationships, and for some people, weighed down with a burden; a burden of past emotional baggage that you just can’t seem to shake.
What have you achieved this year?
What was on your “to-do” list, and is still there?
Has your past year been in balance? Life, family, work, fun?
Knowing what you know now, take your mind back to January 2019 and give yourself some new advice. What would you say to you?
So where to from here? Looking forward to 2020, what will be different for you? What goals do you have? Are you moving towards the new decade with a plan or running away from the last one, clinging onto nothing but hope? A goal without a plan is just a wish!
At the start of every year, I give my clients a simple one-page planning sheet (The Key Areas of Life). It allows us to break life into six different areas and asks you to set an individual goal for each of those areas.
The areas of focus are:
Finance and Money
Personal Development
Family and Relationships
Your task is to create a goal based on the SMART principle for each of those areas, and then give yourself a percentage chance of achieving that goal. For example, if your goal is to “save $10,000 by December 2020” and that goal is Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Timely. However, if you believe there is only a 90 per cent chance of being ticked off, then I have to help you to find the missing 10 per cent. The missing component could be self-doubt, a limiting belief or maybe the goal is unrealistic.
In any field of endeavour, those who succeed are usually those who are goal-oriented. They have a vision, a purpose, a goal and a plan. Go to the Cameron Hypnotics weblink below, click on the Life Coaching page and then the Key Areas of Life link, you can download your own copy to start the 2020 planning process.
Are you ready to create a new you for the new year? At Cameron Hypnotics we have created a 3-Session Better Version of Me program for $500 – see right for more information. Health Fund rebates apply where applicable. You might also want to check the range of self-hypnosis MP3's on Spotify and iTunes by searching Cameron Hypnotics. For more information, visit
What are you waiting for? Create your 2020 NOW!