FACE THE FACTS and ditch the soft drinks!

Got a thirst in this hot weather? Before you go to the fridge and grab a soft drink read this first!
If there’s one thing our qualified team at Mojo Health recommend you give up today, no questions asked is soft drink. Soft drink (and sports drinks, energy drinks, iced teas and even fruit juices) contain no nutritional value whatsoever and should have no part in our diet and here’s why:
A 600ml sports drink contains 9 teaspoons of sugar, a 250ml energy drink contains 7 teaspoons of sugar, and a 600ml bottle of soft drink can contain 16 teaspoons of sugar
American studies have shown that if you consume one can of soft drink per day, you could increase your weight gain by 6.75kg in one year
Research has shown that consuming a minimum of 340ml of any type of sugary drink a day can increase your risk of type 2 diabetes by 22%
You will consume 23 kg of sugar if you drink a bottle of orange fruit drink every day for a year
The World Health Organisation (WHO) recommends that we should only consume 6 teaspoons of sugar a day. Scarily it is estimated that the average Australian is eating and drinking the equivalent of 40 teaspoons of sugar per person per day which adds up to a family of 4 consuming 4.5-6 kg of sugar every week, week after week. Studies show 32% of those added sugars in our diet are coming from soft drinks, sports drinks and fruit juices with nearly 50% of children aged 2 to 16 years consuming sugar-sweetened drinks every day.
So what is all this sugar doing to your body? Firstly, it will increase your weight gain. Our bodies (and particularly our livers) are not designed to process this amount of sugar, and our bodies only need a certain amount of sugar in the form of glucose for energy. If we consume more sugar than our body needs it turns to fat and is a major contributing factor of fatty liver disease.
Secondly, it will increase your chance of type 2 diabetes which is a long-term metabolic disorder which results from obesity and poor diet and lifestyle. Uncontrolled diabetes can lead to long-term illnesses such as heart disease, strokes, blindness, and kidney failure.
Finally, sugar weakens your tooth enamel which causes tooth decay and erosion and expensive dental bills!
So what do you drink instead? The most quench-thirsting drink is water. Yes boring we know! But water is the most valuable natural resource for sustainable development and quality of life. Consumption of water is associated with a number of health benefits, including an increase in energy intake, obesity prevention, and improved cognitive function. Need to jazz up your water? Add some freshly squeezed lemon or lime.
Addicted to energy and sports drinks? Try coconut water instead. It’s low in calories, contains less sodium (and sugar!), plus contains trace minerals such as potassium, iron and magnesium.
Still finding it hard to give up that dreaded ‘cola’ drink? Try some kombucha instead. Kombucha is a fermented probiotic drink which contains beneficial yeasts and bacteria which are essential for proper digestion and overall health. Low in calories and low GI (glycemic index) kombucha has a slight fizz and is sweetened with fruits to make it easier for you to wean yourself off the soft drink.
Now you have the facts isn’t it time you ditched the soft drink? Come into Mojo Health and speak to our expert team who can help you on your journey to good health.