De-clutter your home and free your mind!

De-cluttering is said to have a positive effect on our well-being and the bonus is creating a tidier home. Easy to say – but difficult o do, decluttering before a spring clean is a great way to get started on a minimalistic approach to your new look home for Summer.
Procrastination is the fist hurdle of any job that is overwhelming! Begin with a de-cluttering to-do list:
Make de-cluttering a priority
Start with one room at a time
Deal with each item, one at a time - Do you love it? Do you need it? When did you use it last? Follow-up with actions - give it away, sell it or trash it (being conscious of the environmental impact of course!)
Need some more inspiration to get started?
“Have nothing in your house you do not know to be useful or believe to be beautiful.” - William Morris (1834 - 1896), English textile designer, artist and writer.
So – now we’re motivated - let’s continue! Start by visualising the end result:
A tidy, efficient living space.
A home filled with the things ou really love
A place for only the things you really need
An allocated spot for everything
A home that makes you feel connected and at peace when you walk in.
Carefully selected colours and furniture that reflect our lifestyle and personality.
Expect to feel overwhelmed when starting, so have your simplified list to help you to make decisions and keep the end result in mind. If you find it all too much and you need assistance, Woody our local professional “declutterer” (yes there is such a person) is just what you need to get started.
Woody is passionate about helping people create an organised and stress-free space to live. She says, “a bonus to organising physical clutter is that it helps you free your mind; giving your home peace and harmony which then allows you to move forward. Let’s face it, there is more to life than tidying.”
Her philosophy fits in well with the minimalistic approach to styling a home. It can look beautiful and functional at the same time. De-cluttering can pave the way to finding outwhat style you want for your home, using each space for a purpose and to suit your lifestyle.
Tips to help you keep the clutter at bay
When you buy something new, throw something out – Discard anything not used in the last 12 months (such as the size 10 jeans you have just in case you lose weight.) Discard old magazines. Keep only the last 2 months and when you get the new subscription, throw the earliest one. Go through old recipe books and keep the ones you really love or need. Scan the one or two recipes that you use and giveaway that pile of books you never open.
Sort your mail straight away – Deal with it, delegate it, discard it or file it way. Technology is a great way to scan any information on your iPhone or computer and throw away the hard copies not needed. There are plenty of apps that can scan your items.
Be kind to yourself – Don’t keep objects passed down if they fit the crieria on your list of not used or not loved. I am sure someone will treasure it if it hasn’t a place in your home. Memories will always last, and they won’t collect dust or take up space.
If in doubt, chuck it out – Every found yourself saying “I may need it someday.” Let’s face it if you haven’t in the last 12 months, you probably won’t. This may include furniture and items we fill our garages with.
Be resourceful - Cut up cardboard boxes to separate spaces in drawers. You can then keep things in order and easy to find such asbatteries, scissors, pens, and any odds and bods that you need.
Set a realistic time frame – There is no rush, you probably have thought about doing it for years so a couple of months is nothing. Pick one night a week when you spend 15 minutes filling a garbage bag or two. You will be surprised at how much you can achieve in this time if you’re on a mission.
Get started and into the habit, ask for help if you need it - your spring clean will be much easier. Start now and breeze into 2016!