intouch Magazine

May 18, 2020

NAS Receives Australia Council for the Arts Grant!

Newcastle Art Space (NAS) has received a substantial grant from the Australia Council to upgrade and revolutionise how the gallery and exhibitions run. The COVID 19 virus forced the early closure of the gallery and existing exhibition, and led to the cancellation of other exhibitions planned for April and May.

In response to the need to exhibit and NAS’ commitment to all artists of Newcastle and Hunter origin, they developed and initiated our dual exhibition policy, recognising that local Artists continue to need an audience and their plan for major events still needed to happen.

NAS Gallery is celebrating its 20th year in 2020 and has been a significant space for the development of artists, curators and gallery managers. The Australia Council for the Arts: 2020 Resilience Fund – Adapt means they will soon be able to take the gallery to the world via a new website.

“Our commitment to exhibit our annual art prizes and host the DOMA sponsored Newcastle Emerging Artist Prize, the Newcastle Club Foundation International Art Prize and the Hunt Hospitality sponsored Shoot Your Local Photographic Prize, can now continue with confidence, knowing we can bring these exhibitions and events to life on the internet, regardless of COVID 19 restrictions,” said NAS Business Manager Leah Fawthrop.

“We are thrilled to be able to offer this opportunity for all Newcastle Art Space Gallery Exhibitions to continue to be curated and hung, and now exhibited online. Our Studio Artists will have artworks available in our online shop and also will have the ability to develop online workshops, tutorials and personalised masterclasses.”

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